Services to law firms
Consult our catalog of services, if you have any doubts, please contact us.
Provision of evidence.

Our Private Detective Agency works actively with Law Firms in proceedings related to divorce processes. Our agency has extensive experience in these processes providing high quality information in order to reach out-of-court settlements or go to trial with the best support and ratification of the case. Did you know that private detectives are the only professionals authorized to investigate the private lives of people? Do you want information about our method? Backed by an Organic Law, and with exclusive attributions, we are your best asset to obtain relevant information for your divorce cases. We carry out investigations on behaviors, on labor activity and any data that can facilitate an advantage within the revision of measures, custody, compensatory payments or modifications.
Private Detectives are professionals dedicated to investigation, and our agency works actively with law firms, facilitating their work with our support and experience in the field of evidence. We are experts in obtaining evidence and data for different types of judicial processes. Do not hesitate, we are your best asset. A detective is a professional dedicated to obtaining data and evidence within the judicial system, as a complement and guarantee of Article 24 of the Spanish Constitution. As a professional within the judicial field, you know that out-of-court agreements are usually preferable to entering the judicial phase, so do not hesitate to go to them with the necessary evidence to arrive with a dominant position. On the other hand if there is no other way than going to trial, guarantee your best legal defense, complementing it with the information we offer you and our subsequent judicial ratification as recognized qualified witnesses.
Can’t find a way to obtain evidence?
We will help you to offer the best legal support to your client.
Legal support for law firms.
Our firm will assist you in obtaining the information you need. We are experts in probation, we obtain the necessary evidence of what happened and ratify it in court. We will be your best defense.